How do I find articles using EBSCOHost?


Click Here For Instructions on how to get to EBSCOHost from the CCP Library website.

The instructions below show how to search for articles once you've accessed the database.  

Once you click EBSCOHost in the "Popular Databases" list, you will get to a list of databases CCP licenses from EBSCO.

Choose Academic Search Ultimate (the 2nd option in the list) to begin your search.  Academic Search Ultimate contains thousands of scholarly and peer-reviewed articles across many subject areas, as well as newspaper and magazine articles.  

Once you've clicked into Academic Search Ultimate, you will see a search page for the database.


1)To begin your search for articles, enter keywords from your topic into the search boxes.

  • for example, if your topic is "How does social media effect anxiety in teens?" you might try searching the keywords "social media", "teens", and "anxiety".  Pro tip - You may also want to think of other words that mean the same thing as the words in your topic to search.  so, for example, for "teen" you may also want to search "adolescent"
    • You will see that EBSCOhost auto-suggests topics, you may wish to use those as your keywords.
    • Enter each keyword in a separate search box, linked by the word "AND" at the beginning of the search
    • You can leave the "Select a Field (optional)" area as it is.  

2) Scroll down to the Limit Your Results section of the search page

  • check the box that says Full Text -- this ensures you will have full access to the articles you find. 
  • if your assignment is to look for "Scholarly Articles" or "Peer Reviewed Articles", check the Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals box.  If you do not only need scholarly articles, you can leave this unchecked

3) press the big green SEARCH  button at the top of the screen to begin your topic search. 


Your search will bring you to a results page, and you can see how many articles were found in the database by looking at the Search Results.  This may be a really big number of results, but that's ok!  You will not have to look through thousands of articles (we promise!).  

  • on the right side of the search results page, under the search boxes, you will see a drop-down menu that says "Date Newest" -- this tells you how the results are displaying - those articles published most recently are at the top of the list. 
    • For a better result, click the little arrow next to "Date Newest" and choose "Relevance" instead.  This changes the order of the search results list to show those articles MOST RELEVANT to your search keywords at the top.  


  • Once your search results are listed by Relevance, take a good look at the first 10 articles listed.  
    • to see more information about an article, click on the title of the article. 
    • look at the Abstract for the article you have clicked on.  The Abstract is a brief summary of the article contents. 
    • Pro Tip: Many of the articles in EBSCOHost are quite scientific and written for experts, so might not be right for your paper.  If you read an abstract of the article, and you do still do not understand what the article is about, do not choose this article for your research. 


  • if the abstract sounds good and you want the article, you can download the full text of the article on the right side of the page (it will be offered in either PDF format, HTML format, or both)
  • You can also EMAIL the Article to yourself using the Tools section on the right side of the page. This is the recommended option, as you will then have a record in your email of the full article as well as the Citation information for the article.  
    • You will be asked to choose a Citation Format (usually APA or MLA) before emailing yourself the article.  
    • You may need to check your email spam folder for the article from EBSCOHost -- the sender will be 
  • You can also PRINT the article from the Tools menu.   





  • Last Updated Mar 15, 2024
  • Views 450
  • Answered By Noelle Egan

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