How do I access the ProQuest Ebook Central database?

Ebook Central database offers scholarly ebooks from leading publishers on many different subjects including Arts, Business, Education, Health, History, Language, Law, Literature, Medicine, Philosophy, Political Science, Religion, Science, Social Science and Technology. 


How to find Ebook Central

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to MyCCP. Then:
  2. choose "Student Services"
  3. choose Library. Now you should be logged in correctly. 
  4. Choose the "Databases" tab (not the "Books, Articles and More" tab), then
  5. Choose "A-Z Database List". This will open a new page called "A-Z Databases"
  6. Now, please choose "Ebook Central". (This can be found under the E's.)
  7. If you already know the name of your book, search for it here by title. Or, you can search by keyword to find new books.  See below for more help.

Or, use this link to go directly to Ebook Central:

How to use Ebook Central
When using Ebook Central, there are several ways to read your book.  The one called "Read Online" is often the most convenient.

  • "Read Online" also lets you search within the book, so you can quickly find the parts of the book where the author discusses your topic. Look for the field called "Search within book" to use this feature. Please note that "Read Online" needs a reliable internet connection because it is sort of like streaming a video. 
  • If you prefer to download the book, we recommend that you download individual chapters, especially if you don't need the whole book. You can do this "as a guest" and it makes it a lot easier.  You can download the whole book, but you will need to create your own account with Ebook Central.  This is a free account, but you must use your email address when creating the account.  You may also be prompted to install a new ebook app on your device (ie, "Bluefire Reader").

Please visit the Ebook Central LibGuide for more information on how to navigate and use the database, and Ask a Librarian if you have any questions!

  • Last Updated Sep 19, 2024
  • Views 710
  • Answered By Jess Rossi

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