I need help researching an electrolyte or mineral for DIET111

Here is the question that I got from my professor:

Choose any one electrolyte or mineral. Research your electrolyte or mineral by finding at least 2 sources from the CCP library databases including newspapers and scientific journals, or an educational, nonprofit, or government web site (do not use a commercial web site). Explain 3 key facts about your mineral. If you would like, add a fun fact here too. Share with us a food or recipe which is a good source of this electrolyte or mineral. Create a test question about your electrolyte or mineral. Please share the answer to it between 6/18 - 6/20. See if you can come up with some kind of memory aid to help the class remember a fact about your electrolyte or mineral. Here is an example: Bear with fish in mouthA bear with a fish. B is for bear and fish is high in vitamin B12. How to remember the 12?....hmm, we could say he has 12 fish! Initial post due Wednesday, 6/17 (100 words minimum)



I am following up to provide you with my written suggested instructions for how to begin research on your chosen item, ie, "calcium".  However, these instructions could be used by other students to research other electrolytes or minerals.

  1. To access the library from off-campus, first, log in to MyCCP.
  2. Then, choose the "Student" tab
  3. choose the "Library" link.  This should take you  to the CCP Library homepage.  Because you went through MyCCP, you will be approved to access our databases.  For help with steps 4 & 5, please look at this screenshot: 
  4. choose the "Databases" tab, located below the photo on the homepage. 
  5. under "Database Search", choose "A-Z Database List". 
  6. Now you will be on the "A-Z Databases" page.    This is where you choose the database you want to search.  It looks like this:

  7. In your case, I suggest that you use "Family Health Database".  You can scroll to it, or click the "F" at the top to filter results to just the "F" databases.
  8. Choose "Family Health Database".  At this point, you are taken out of the library site and into a subscription database called ProQuest.  ProQuest is like a library, and one database within in it is "Family Health Database".
  9. Now, set up your "calcium" search like this screenshot shows.  It is very important that you follow these steps to make sure you get relevant results.
    1. For example, I recommend that you use the filter to the right of your keyword "calcium", and choose Document title - TI from the dropdown.  Making this choice means that all of your results will have your keyword in their titles.  This is very important for relevance of results.
    2. Also, be sure to check the box next to Limit To: Full Text.   This is very important to make sure you can get to your results.
    3. *OPTIONAL* - You can choose Source Type to limit your results to just magazines, newspapers, etc.  This is a good option to choose if you are getting too many research studies.
  10. Choose Search, and then browse your search results to find articles that meet your needs for the assignment.


  • Be sure to check Full text either before -OR- after you search, as seen below.
  • Remember that you can filter your results by magazines, newspapers, etc, as seen below.

That is all!  I hope this helps you to find what you need.  If you have further questions, feel free to follow up with us via Ask a Librarian.


-Chris Wieman

Systems Librarian / Assistant Professor

Community College of Philadelphia

Schedule an Appointment with Me  -OR-  Get Help Now: Ask a Librarian

cwieman@ccp.edu  |  215-751-8402  |  room L1-16B  |  Library Website  |  LibGuides


pronouns: he/him/his


  • Last Updated Jun 16, 2020
  • Views 60
  • Answered By Chris Wieman

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